Public art, Urban Art, Art in the Public Domain
We curate, develop and deliver temporary and permanent public art projects and artwork commissions. We work with major infrastructure clients, developers, building and land owners, government authorities, architects, urban and landscape designers to plan for and integrate public art into new building and landscape projects, or to curate programs of temporary art for the public realm.
We can assist in many facets of public art from identifying sites and assessing locations, shortlisting or selecting artists through to managing the production and delivering your new artwork on-site.
We can prepare public art strategies and policy, guidelines, artist briefs, undertake condition audits, provide advice on selection of new work or removal or relocation of existing artworks, commission site specific artworks or assist you to work through options for your next urban art project.
We love to work as part of design teams to develop masterplans, identify opportunities for public art in new developments and to find the best artists for the job.
Short term, permanent or ephemeral, indoor or outdoor; sculpture, murals, integrated artworks, installations, digital and multi-media pieces, projections, sound works, water features, furniture, objects or decorative elements - anything is possible.
A selection of public art projects curated or managed by Global Art Projects

Memory Palace 1&2, 2023, Art on the Great Victorian Rail Trail. Photo: Jonathon Griggs
A selection of current and recent projects include:
Curator, Permanent integrated artworks for two new train Stations associated with the Level Crossing Removal Projects, SEPA, (2023 - ongoing)
Project Manager and Curatorial Consultant, Art on the Great Victorian Rail Trail. Delivering eight major new art installations, regional Victoria (2021 - 2023)
Consultant Curator, Metro Tunnel Creative Program, Melbourne (2018 - ongoing)
Consultant Curator, Permanent Public Art, Metro Tunnel Western Portal Kensington, Rail Infrastructure Alliance (RIA) (2020 - ongoing)
Consultant Curator Integrated Public Art, Narrandjeri Stadium, Brand Architects/City of Darebin (2019 - ongoing)
Public Art Consultant, City of Darebin, public art audit and development of new public art commissioning and internal processes (2019)
Public Art Framework, City of Darebin (2018)
Consultant to Development Victoria advising on sites and issues for potential relocation of a major artwork in Docklands. (2017)
Art Consultant to Lyon Architects for urban art associated with various projects (2017-2018)
Audit of public and urban art projects in Docklands Melbourne on behalf of Places Victoria. (2015)
Prepared a range of curatorial options for urban artworks to be included in the Ron Barassi Park Docklands for Places Victoria. (2015)
Managed the artist selection and indigenous consultation for the Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner Indigenous Commemorative Marker project for the City of Melbourne (2015-2016)