Artist: Emma Coulter
Commissioner: Metro Tunnel Creative Program
Curator: Global Art Projects
Located on the Metro Tunnel acoustic shed, Town Hall Station construction site, corner of Swanston St and Flinders Lane, Melbourne from February 2021 - August 2022 .
The Metro Tunnel Creative Program commissioned Melbourne-based artist Emma Coulter to create an artwork for the outside of the acoustic shed at the construction site for the new Town Hall Station. An acoustic shed minimises the impacts of noise, light and dust from construction. Situated at one of the Melbourne CBD's most prominent sites, the shed is around 23 metres wide, 90 metres long and 18 metres high. The final artwork wraps around the Swanston Street and Flinders Lane sides of the acoustic shed, and spans more than 100 metres.
Emma's artwork spatial deconstruction #23 (resilience) follows other site-specific installations Emma has delivered in New York, Germany, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Bendigo and Byron Bay.
spatial deconstruction #23 (resilience) is Emma's first large-scale public work in Melbourne and the largest work she has undertaken to date.
“My work is an offering to the people and streetscape of Melbourne, post-COVID-19 lockdown," Emma says.
"This work offers a gesture of resilience, and for this space to be once again a celebrated community place.”
Melbourne mural studio Juddy Roller painted the huge artwork during January and February 2021 under Emma's guidance.
Emma Coulter
Emma is a Victorian based artist working across painting and site specific larger scale public realm works. She has a Master of Contemporary Art from Victorian College of the Arts, a Bachelor of Built Environment and a Bachelor of Visual Art from Queensland University of Technology.
"My work is primarily concerned with ideas about painting, whether it be through my large scale site-specific interventions, or smaller studio based propositions.
Colour is a critical concern within my practice, through implementation of an intensely saturated and repetitive spectrum.
My practice considers the intersection between painting, architecture, spatial practice and urban space.
Through my site-specific work or 'spatial deconstructions', I deliberately aim to challenge the hierarchy of the art institution and fine art, by blurring boundaries between place, painting and the viewer's experience.
I am interested in breaking limitations between elitism and popular culture through the use of colour and spatial practice as ideas that transcend the usual divisions of knowledge and power."
Website: www.emmacoulter.com.au
Instagram: @emma_coulter
This project was curated by Global Art Projects for the Metro Tunnel Creative Program.
Website: www.metrotunnel.vic.gov.au
Instagram: @metrotunnelart
Photographs of the artwork reproduced on this webpage are by Charlie Kinross.
Emma Coulter
spatial deconstruction #23 (resilience) 2021
cr Swantson St and Flinders Lane, Melbourne
February 2021
- August 2022
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